In the late 1980s, oceanographer John Martin quipped, “Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age.” Martin’s meticulous 20…

Reporting from COP27 in the hot desert of Sharm El Sheik Egypt IMF champion calls for someone, everyone, to speak for ocean life More important…

Nature Wants To Push Back Against Fossil Fool Age CO2 On This Blue Planet Microscopic marine plants bioengineer the oceans to make their ocean pastures…

HMS Challenger Sailed The World 1872-76 Following A Refit That Hammered Its Cannons Into Ocean Science Plowshares Sailing over 70,000 miles in the greatest ocean…

The word plankton comes from a Greek word πλαγκτός pronounced ‘planktos’ meaning drifters. Our blue planet is really the plankton planet as they outnumber by…

Plankton Loss Produced Global Ecosystem Chaos When They Stopped Repurposing CO2 Into New Life This loss of ocean photosynthesis immediately made the oceans acidic Today’s…

Will The Next 11 Years Of Global Cooling Save Us Or Will It Save Us Some Money Both are questions of perspective and context What…

Whether they remain part of this blue planets ecology is up to us For shellfish it is the first moments of life that crystallize the…

Ocean Acidification is the wrong meme for the toll high and rising CO2 takes on our oceans. Acidification won’t cross the boundary from today’s basic…

Already the nearly trillion tonnes of CO2 humanity has added to our air and oceans has decimated ocean plant and marine life Now new studies…

CO2 Acidified The Oceans In Ancient Times In A Manner Similar To What We Are Seeing Today That time was some 56 million years ago…

The Boogey ‘Man’ Exists And He Is Us! Our CO2 that acidifies the oceans is shown to be safely managed by photosynthesis during daylight hours…

Scientists report on what nearly wiped out very early dinosaurs, indeed 95% of all life on this blue planet at the time. Dino-denialists object! Fossil CO2…

Increasing CO2 in the air leads to more CO2 in the surface ocean home of the world’s most important plant life, the phytoplankton. A little…

Shellfish are in the news threatened by our CO2 driven ocean acidification. Typically the news we are shown is all about the shellfish we humans…

Anthropogenic ocean nitrification has dramatically increased chemically neutering the oceans. We, the human race, seem to be able to assimilate the simplified chemistry of the…

The fate of CO2 is that most of it ends up in the oceans. In this post I am making a try at explaining physical…

Here’s Our Most Important Pie Chart Of Where We Live. Our part is that 14.6% part that is habitable. There is a whole lot of…