Last year saw a tripling of the number of starving sea lions and seals previously found on California beaches as their vital ocean pastures turn…
Tens of thousands, more likely hundreds of thousands, of Alaskan seabirds have starved and are starving to death again this winter, as their sustaining ocean…
Chilean Squid Deaths Blamed On Low Oxygen In Ocean Water Such low ocean oxygen calamities are a result of the collapse of ocean plankton pastures…
Why is it that the world doesn’t want to talk about the CO2 of yesterday? The new Paris Accord treats CO2 like a monetary crisis’…
Jack mackerel in the Southern Pacific have declined from catches of 30 million metric tons to less than a tenth of that in two decades….
The human race uses ‘mob rule’ to dictate what is fact and fiction. Not just in sports, politics, and religion but also in the world…
And Scare Some Reagan Common Sense Into Your Misbehaving Disbelieving Republican Bretheren Don’t worry they won’t argue with you If you happen to visit the…
Mr. Presidents Here’s Something To Agree To Simple care and caring for our common home will provide all the fish the world can eat plus Mother…
Early in December, hundreds of politicians and tens of thousands of devotees, from 196 countries, will convene in Paris spending up to a billion dollars to carry…
California’s Dying Ocean Becoming A Lifeless Blue Desert As Sea Lions, Seabirds, and Sardines Starve To Death In Greatest Numbers Ever Recorded While many argue…
Increasing CO2 in the air leads to more CO2 in the surface ocean home of the world’s most important plant life, the phytoplankton. A little…
Life on this blue planet first emerged as a gooey gelatinous slime some 4 billion years ago. The 3 billion year reign of the bacteria…
Seagull populations have been crashing on the West Coast of North America according to a new report that say’s they are starving to death as…
The Sahara desert and the Amazon rainforest are so different and far apart one might not imagine that they share a vital ecological link. A…
The Net is filled by Donate Here buttons to save the planet but the price has proven to be too high Learn how you might give as…
The endless argument about CO2 driven climate change is a nauseating two actor drama we are all being forced to endure. It seems to be…
I am frequently contacted by journalists from around the world They always proclaim they are honest and ethical. They almost never are. This open letter…
Data from satellites have confirmed that ocean pastures west of California have suffered the worst collapse ever measured, 35% of pasture productivity was lost in…