OK really the krill are only ‘nearly gone’ Though it might sound like a BB King Song, these real ocean blues are the worst ever…

The human race uses ‘mob rule’ to dictate what is fact and fiction. Not just in sports, politics, and religion but also in the world…

Just published in the Journal of Geology is a paper detailing the history of dust in the wind and it’s historic influence on ocean pastures…

European scientists working as part of the globally comprehensive Malaspina Expedition have shown deep ocean carbon is not promptly exhaled as CO2 by microbial activity…

New report shows ocean pastures bloom with the seasons and enrich the ocean with oxygen to far greater depths than formerly believed. The spring blooms…

Today, Ash Wednesday, is the holiest day for dust Today is the one day of the year when dust is venerated for the life that…

Our ability to observe and measure dust around the world is best served by the satellite fleet. Those observations show a great decline in vital…

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg who just recently stepped down as Mayor of New York City seems to have a passion for fish. His Bloomberg Foundation has…

New Robert Stone film reveals how opposition to nuclear power turned into massive increases in coal burning power plants. The far worse outcome for the…

Plant life in the world’s oceans has become less productive since the early 1980s, absorbing less carbon, which may in turn impact the Earth’s carbon…