We are eating more fish than ever. FAO reports consumption of fish has hit a record high, passing 20kg each per year mark. But the…
We terrans are very full of ourselves, we persist in proclaiming that this blue planet is all about us! Life on ‘earth’ is a tiny…
More grass growing due to high and rising CO2 is good news for the Earth very bad news for the Oceans, that mere 72% blue…
The Island Nation of Fiji has long depended on ocean pastures that were once filled with fish. Today those ocean pastures are dying and depleted…
Why is it that the world doesn’t want to talk about the CO2 of yesterday? The new Paris Accord treats CO2 like a monetary crisis’…
Chinese Foreign Fisheries Catch 12 Times More Than Reported, Study Shows Apr. 3, 2013 — Chinese fishing boats catch about US$11.5 billion worth of fish from…