Mother Natures Red Dust Miracle Comes To Australia’s And The Worlds Rescue Massive Australian Dust Storm Approaching The Size Of The 2009 Dust Storm Is…

Most Grass On Planet Earth Grows In Dryland Ecosystems These bunch grass-lands that cover more of the Earth than forests are predicted to expand their…

Grain has always been part of the human diet Even before the age of pasture stewardship which began 10,000 years ago we picked it from…

I recently noticed on a friend’s climate change web site he speaks favourably of OIF ‘ocean iron fertilization’. That he is a kindred spirit in…

Boffin computer models project fish are expected to shrink in size by 20 to 30 per cent if ocean temperatures continue to climb due to…

Oceans and their pastures have long kept this planet cool in the same way that forests keep the planet cool! But once lush blue-green ocean…

EFFECTS OF CREATIVITY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP A talk at the Cosmos Club, Washington, DC 1999 Introduction: My friend Mike Markels was a chemical engineer who was…

Penguins are finding only starvation on their ocean pastures off South Africa and Namibia The already rare South African penguins, especially the juveniles, are now…

Birth of agriculture is the defining event of human history—a turning point that led to civilization. Before the time of agriculture we were not so…

Todays incessant debate over climate change is clearly an argument over solutions costing trillions and who can be made to pay. The business as usual…

European scientists working as part of the globally comprehensive Malaspina Expedition have shown deep ocean carbon is not promptly exhaled as CO2 by microbial activity…

Studies show deep ocean iron has changed little over the last 76 million years leaving only the diminishing iron from failing dust in the wind…

More Grass Growing Means Less Dust Blowing Green walls are good news for pastures on land, but bad news for ocean pastures. CHINA has been…

Ocean Pastures Are Found In All The World’s Oceans – Even The Frozen Ones. When all above is still locked up in a frozen wasteland,…

Ocean pastures have a close-knit relationship with pastures on land. They are both defined by their plant life, the grass and plankton of their pastures….

While hundreds of millions of dollars remove a few million tonnes of CO2 from smokestacks; hundreds of millions of fish swim home into nets and…

Food aid for those most in need is both a question of charity and a question of available food. Last fall when our pasture fed…

Puffins are seabirds that are especially wonderful and beautiful to watch. They frequent the ocean far from shore where they feed on all manner of…

A new paper reports on the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean pastures over the past 40 years. As the ocean fish pastures collapse mother fish…