Bringing Back The Fish The European Union’s Nature Restoration Law, enacted in August 2024 with €8.3 billion annually, is a bold step to heal its…

“Give me a half a shipload of iron and I’ll give you a replenished and restored Blue Planet.” Introduction For centuries, scientists have puzzled over…

Nature Wants To Push Back Against Fossil Fool Age CO2 On This Blue Planet Microscopic marine plants bioengineer the oceans to make their ocean pastures…

Paleozoic atmosphere 500-300 million years ago saw CO2 at 18 times of today, 7000ppm vs. 400ppm Mother Nature Took Charge And Cooled Things Off With…

All We Are Is Dust In The Wind The mystery of how animals evolved on Earth has been uncovered by scientists. Dust stored up on…

The second largest iceberg ever with ice accumulated over tens of thousands of years is about break free. The iceberg part of the Larsen C…

Frozen polar regions like Greenland accumulate mineral dust over the course of their endless succession of long winters. When the ice eventually reaches the sea…

A major paper in the Journal Nature reports on stunning 2% decline in ocean oxygen in just 50 years, it will plummet to a 7%…

In Africa The Consequence Of Global Warming Is Hunger Amongst The Fisherfolk Who Depend On Africa’s Great Lakes The big lakes in Africa, like Tanganyika,…

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldie’s dilemma and ours is how do we find what we need that is…

The EPIC satellite camera began sending photos of the earth back to us in July 2015 Now a time-lapse video shows a year in the…

Researchers have conducted the first global analysis of the health and productivity of ocean plants using a unique signal detected by NASA’s Aqua satellite. The results and…

10 Regenerated Ocean Amazon Pastures Will Naturally Manage The World’s CO2 Crisis And Bring Back The Fish Cheaper, Better, & Faster than any other solution…

A new paper from the UK Met Office reports on the critical role of aerosols in controlling climate by producing clouds The paper explains the…

For thousands of years shells of shellfish like mussels were about the same thickness. Suddenly beginning about 50 years ago their shells began thinning, on…

Ocean phytoplankton are the lungs of Earth, our suffering blue planet becomes an ever bluer desert. Phytoplankton natural dispersal over globe in the course of…

Ocean oxygen forecast to be disastrously low by 2030 to 2040 says new scientific report. This oxygen decline follows in lock step with the collapse…

Increasing CO2 in the air leads to more CO2 in the surface ocean home of the world’s most important plant life, the phytoplankton. A little…

Data from satellites have confirmed that ocean pastures west of California have suffered the worst collapse ever measured, 35% of pasture productivity was lost in…

What do you think of when you hear a report of the clearest water on earth? For most the idea that comes to mind is…