Second vast hot water patch off New Zealand coast leads scientists obvious conclusions Oceans are the big source of cooling to our Blue Planet but…

The second largest iceberg ever with ice accumulated over tens of thousands of years is about break free. The iceberg part of the Larsen C…

In climate science ‘models predict’ that warming of the air and oceans leads to more evaporation and that moisture laden air must lead to more…

As reported in Journal Nature CO2 warming was insufficient to produce the Great Warming 55 million years ago The high CO2 of that age produced…

Plants are Nature’s way of managing CO2 on her blue planet They take in CO2 to make more of themselves as those plants die some…

Endless global warming argument stalls our solving Natures crisis caused by humanity’s CO2. The truth of how our high and rising CO2 warms our blue…

Experts at coral reef conference in Honolulu offer little but the same old career safe ideas Princely paid pundits prefer pitching party lines about perils…

A new paper from the UK Met Office reports on the critical role of aerosols in controlling climate by producing clouds The paper explains the…

New and Long Term Evidence point to collapse of plankton cooling as main cause of ocean warming. But dogma demands top billing for ocean warming…