We miscalculated our climate tipping points: This decade is critical New Ocean Restoration Research And Development Act 2022 is a great step forward America has…

Bring Back The Rain, A Job Only Mother Nature Can Do But She Needs Our Help Ocean plankton pasture restoration will bring back the cooling…

Second vast hot water patch off New Zealand coast leads scientists obvious conclusions Oceans are the big source of cooling to our Blue Planet but…

The toxic burden in ocean fish is not all the same. It’s not news that some fish are many times more dangerous than other fish….

Conservationists Horrified As Imperiled Atlantic Salmon Decline Worsens In spite of many decades of conservation and protection efforts that were expected to save them Atlantic…

Academic Eurocracy’s Green Paris Plan For Climate Change The Paris Accord’s 195 Nations agreed to work to keep ‘global warming’ below 2°C! 1° of…

Annual Profits In Global Fisheries Today Are About $3 Billion World Bank Report declares that as fish populations are restored to historic abundance the profits…

Endless global warming argument stalls our solving Natures crisis caused by humanity’s CO2. The truth of how our high and rising CO2 warms our blue…

Ocean oxygen forecast to be disastrously low by 2030 to 2040 says new scientific report. This oxygen decline follows in lock step with the collapse…

Chilean Squid Deaths Blamed On Low Oxygen In Ocean Water Such low ocean oxygen calamities are a result of the collapse of ocean plankton pastures…

$250 per fish is spent each year to keep Columbia river golden salmon coming back! Money lenders financing the work receive 35% of that each…

Subsidies paid to fishing fleets by their government often pays for 60% of the fuel cost. Without these privateers’ subsidies the world’s catch would be…

This Blue Planet is in a fishery crisis. A solution to restore healthy fish is at hand. We just have to get to work to give…

This week the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) is releasing its latest report, the “Working Group II Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report.” Like many…

The British Royal Society in 2008 called for experiments with ocean pasture replenishment and restoration. The very same experiments we completed in 2012. And guess…

Many people have asked if the Atlantic Salmon might benefit from the restoration of their ocean pastures. Absolutely yes and recovery will likely be dramatic…

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg who just recently stepped down as Mayor of New York City seems to have a passion for fish. His Bloomberg Foundation has…

Read along with me as I share with you my report on being witness to the greatest migration of animal life on Earth. In the…