When I started ending my blog posts with the call to action JOIN ME I didn’t know who might show up, I wouldn’t have thought…

FORBES is writing again about how ocean plankton might help save the world. FORBES writer Tim Worstall has penned another good article that supports our…

How to grow more whales that go poop in the night and save the world from climate change. Whale poop seems to be all the…

Waking up on Earth Day to discover a new story about our work is published is good news for us. It’s even better news for…

Carbon Explorers are ocean science geekology to the max. They drift with ocean currents, descend as deep as a kilometer to record particulate carbon, then…

I have some personal experience with David Keith who seems to be a nexus kin within the world of geoengineering. The difference is he claims…

There is some amazing news about life on this blue planet. It seems that there is sentient life in the oceans. But in an unexpected…

Carbon fixation by phytoplankton in the open ocean plays a key role in the global carbon cycle though that role is not fully understood. Until…

Zeltia SA : PharmaMar presents five new trials with its marine-based drugs at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 04/11/2013|…

Here’s my testimony to the US Congress on restoring seas and trees. Trees alone can not save us, but there is salvation in replenishing and…

As the worlds ocean face cataclysmic collapse due to our treating them as merely transit routes, hunting grounds for wild things, dumping grounds for our…

Rapid Climate Change and the Role of the Southern Ocean Apr. 8, 2013 — Scientists from Cardiff University and the University of Barcelona have discovered new…

Just a couple of years ago common wisdom was that there might be 30,000 species of plankton in the surface ocean. The expedition described in…