Did medicines first and foremost doctor Hippocrates also invent the phrase “take two willow barks and call me in the morning.” It would seem so. Man…

Ocean phytoplankon are disappearing at an alarming rate. A far more rapid collapse than any ecosystem on Earth. The amount of phytoplankton in the top…

I wrote this piece as part of correspondence with a London thinker and speaker on the politics of climate issues. Dear John, If I may be excused…

Over my lifetime I have surely noticed the increasing number of reports on mercury in fish. Almost everyone now knows that top of the food…

Chinese Foreign Fisheries Catch 12 Times More Than Reported, Study Shows Apr. 3, 2013 — Chinese fishing boats catch about US$11.5 billion worth of fish from…

The very key issue in work to develop and deliver the technology and know how to replenish and restore the oceans and in doing so…

Carbon Expo Climate Market Event A few years back, around 2006 I believe, I was at the big global climate change market event called Carbon…

A rutter is a mariner’s handbook of written sailing directions. Before the advent of nautical charts, rutters were the primary store of information for maritime…

All of the above human “geoengineering” activity has taken place on just 14.6% of this planet. There seems to be a raging controversy about geo-engineering….

One day a number of years ago I was working on my twin projects of Planktos and KlimaFa, Restoring seas and trees as I like…

A friend reminds me to accentuate the positive. Sometimes it is the simple messages that are the most important. In a month where I’ve had…

Some months ago, just before Christmas I believe, our Haida Salmon village office received a telephone call from a woman who identified herself as an…

Over the many years in planning our village project we ran across many scientific questions that we hoped our work might help provide clues and…

Confirming what I’ve been going on about for nigh unto 20 years high and rising CO2 in the air is growing more and bushier plants…

“Damning With Faint Praise.” A well-known precept of journalism is that “Dog Bites Man” isn’t news, but “Man Bites Dog” is. On this principle, saying…

“Your time is coming Russ. Just be persistent and keep your focus on the salmon.” I am of the view that First Nations will be…

Read along with me as I share with you my report on being witness to the greatest migration of animal life on Earth. In the…

One of the tools you need to understand your ocean pasture is actually a frame with a large collection of instruments that you lower into…
Ocean Pasture Restoration: Can We Afford To Postpone Exploring This Option?
Climate Change: Current Issues 2011 Provided in cooperation with: Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW). Paper provided by Kiel Institute for the World Economy in its series Open…