Here’s a great video about sentient forests where trees and fungi communicate over vast distances. Professor Suzanne Simard of the University of British Columbia gives a…

Many scientific reports show inexplicable behaviours of plants that seem to be analogs to animal senses, behaviours, and perhaps even intellect. This observation of complex…

The enigma of electric currents in the seabed is solved. Scientists from Aarhus University have sensationally discovered seabed bacteria that function with a living neuro-electrical…

Alder Groves Exchange Important Information Over Great Distance They Communicate At Speeds Approaching The Human Nervous System Thinking about the recent news of plankton blooms…

There is some amazing news about life on this blue planet. It seems that there is sentient life in the oceans. But in an unexpected…

Small moves Sparks, small moves… A meteor that fell to Earth last December appears to be a fragment of a comet that burst 10km above…