The majestic Giant Bluefin Tuna were once abundant across the world’s oceans Today in some major ocean pastures they are reduced to just 3% of…

The toxic burden in ocean fish is not all the same. It’s not news that some fish are many times more dangerous than other fish….

Oceans and their pastures have long kept this planet cool in the same way that forests keep the planet cool! But once lush blue-green ocean…

Racing to the bottom is the only tuna fisheries management game being played, and it’s a losing game. Catch reduction to protect Indian Ocean Yellowfin,…

Tunacrats meeting just ended without new tuna agreements, despite 97% of Pacific Bluefin Tuna having been eradicated. Political will to save the last 3% of…

Some West African Nations Risk A Tuna War By Giving Drastic Cuts In Tuna License Fees To Lure And Keep Foreign Fleets Catching Last Of…

If one only considers the usual suspects when looking to explain tuna fisheries collapse one will fail to identify both the real source of the…

Mozambique tuna fisheries sent 160 boats to sea in 2007, last year fewer than 50 boats engaged in the offshore fishery. 24 new fishing boats,…

Namibia’s Large Pelagic (Tuna) Association is terribly worried over collapse of tuna catches in Namibian waters and whether the future holds worsening peril or might…

The World Bank has just submitted it’s 25 year tuna plan to sustain catch and increase value to Pacific Island Nations by $350 million per…

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission is calling for a dramatic 20% reduction in fishing allowances of the prized Seychelles Yellowfin tuna. Scientists say the species…

A New Report By Pew Trust Purports To Tell All About Tuna Awash With Leadened Homilies Pew’s finger wagging at the ‘usual suspects’ and proclamation…

The Island Nation of Fiji has long depended on ocean pastures that were once filled with fish. Today those ocean pastures are dying and depleted…

Crisis of high and rising mercury in the oceans is growing worse Amount of toxic mercury to double by 2050 Nature’s cure is at hand…