Abstract: Exploring the notion of ocean plankton pastures are the pinnacle of ecological complexity on this Blue Planet. I propose that their nearly infinite complexity…

Plankton blooms are super large complex organisms and as such might provide an opportunity to observe collective quantum consciousness in Nature.

Massive Runaway Methane Derives From Natural Methane And Collapse Of Natural Ocean Counterbalance Many “scientists” are hustling to proclaim this is a mystery that demands…

Reporting from COP27 in the hot desert of Sharm El Sheik Egypt IMF champion calls for someone, everyone, to speak for ocean life More important…

New International Monetary Fund report says for the good of humanity we must ‘bring back the whales’. Whale carbon, the value from a single whale…

Do you remember that lesson about the birds and the bees? You know the ever so important one your mother taught you, the one about…

Reports keeping washing up on our shores of ocean life found like never before. Blue Whales, the largest animals on this blue planet, have come…

We can spare blue whales from being run down by ships if we provide them with alternative restored ocean pastures. Even though commercial whaling was…

This is the first of what we hope will be a long series of reports from our resident Mermaids. Finally there are reports surfacing that…

Climate Changes To Winds Diminishes Antarctic Krill And Plankton In a paper just published this week in Nature by a Rutgers University team it is…

How to grow more whales that go poop in the night and save the world from climate change. Whale poop seems to be all the…

The International Court of Justice finally banned the hunting of whales by Japan earlier this year. It even looked for a few weeks that the…

In a new paper in the science journal PNAS the long known role of seabirds is reported anew. Seabirds flock to plankton blooms and in…