Two Decades of Data Show That Earth Is ‘Dimming’ Earth’s global dimming reflection means less sunlight and heat is reflected back into space, that’s global…

Newly Published Scientific Report Declares Dangers During Freshwater Life Of Salmon Is Nothing When Compared To The Collapse of Their Ocean Pastures This exhaustive research…

Alaska scientists report just 15% of Chum survived their 5 years at sea to return home to spawn Chum salmon have been experiencing a steady…

Bring Back The Rain, A Job Only Mother Nature Can Do But She Needs Our Help Ocean plankton pasture restoration will bring back the cooling…

Eastern Atlantic Ocean Plankton Pastures Where Sardines Once Found Plankton A Plenty Have Become Clear Blue Deserts Sardines, a staple food of Europe for more…

HMS Challenger Sailed The World 1872-76 Following A Refit That Hammered Its Cannons Into Ocean Science Plowshares Sailing over 70,000 miles in the greatest ocean…

New Report Shows Dungeness Crabs From Alaska To California Are Melting Well not exactly melting like the Wicked Witch of the West, rather larval crabs…

Second vast hot water patch off New Zealand coast leads scientists obvious conclusions Oceans are the big source of cooling to our Blue Planet but…

NASA Report Shows 20 Years Of Tragic Decline In Northern Hemisphere Dust Seen By State The Art Satellites Rate of dust loss at 1.5% –…

Scientists Highlight A Catastrophe Taking Place With UK’s Plankton 60 years of data show 70% of the vital ocean plankton have simply vanished This plankton…

The word plankton comes from a Greek word πλαγκτός pronounced ‘planktos’ meaning drifters. Our blue planet is really the plankton planet as they outnumber by…

Life in the world’s oceans depends upon and is sustained by iron and phytoplankton Oceans, especially those areas far from land, biologically modifies, optimizes, and…

Plankton Loss Produced Global Ecosystem Chaos When They Stopped Repurposing CO2 Into New Life This loss of ocean photosynthesis immediately made the oceans acidic Today’s…

Headlines simultaneously urge us to cower or flower over the prospect that billions are required to meet 2050 UK climate target. The talk of billions…

Will The Next 11 Years Of Global Cooling Save Us Or Will It Save Us Some Money Both are questions of perspective and context What…

Breaching ocean carbon threshold to greatly accelerate mass extinction As the levels of CO2/carbon in the ocean increase, a runaway cascade of feedbacks may push…

California’s Sardine Fishery Closed For Fifth Year In A Row As ocean plankton pastures collapse Sardines on North America’s West Coast are verging upon extinction…

America’s own Luquillo Rainforest in Puerto Rico is ground zero of the global insect apocalypse Far from human agriculture and pesticides, the insect apocalypse is…

Insect Apocalypse Reporting Is Catastrophically Wrong Minded The insect problem is real and we must have the correct focus on its cause if we are…