Abstract: Exploring the notion of ocean plankton pastures are the pinnacle of ecological complexity on this Blue Planet. I propose that their nearly infinite complexity…

In the late 1980s, oceanographer John Martin quipped, “Give me half a tanker of iron, and I’ll give you an ice age.” Martin’s meticulous 20…

Shippers and skippers call for global carbon tax to fund mitigation of ocean collapse and climate change 90% of global fleet agree work to reduce…

Paleozoic atmosphere 500-300 million years ago saw CO2 at 18 times of today, 7000ppm vs. 400ppm Mother Nature Took Charge And Cooled Things Off With…

My Hypotheses Is Mother Nature Rules This Planets Climate With Her Plankton Blooms Her ocean pastures where the phytoplankton blooms consume and use more energy…

Second vast hot water patch off New Zealand coast leads scientists obvious conclusions Oceans are the big source of cooling to our Blue Planet but…

NASA Report Shows 20 Years Of Tragic Decline In Northern Hemisphere Dust Seen By State The Art Satellites Rate of dust loss at 1.5% –…

The word plankton comes from a Greek word πλαγκτός pronounced ‘planktos’ meaning drifters. Our blue planet is really the plankton planet as they outnumber by…

Life in the world’s oceans depends upon and is sustained by iron and phytoplankton Oceans, especially those areas far from land, biologically modifies, optimizes, and…

Most Grass On Planet Earth Grows In Dryland Ecosystems These bunch grass-lands that cover more of the Earth than forests are predicted to expand their…

Kamchatca Kuril Islands Volcano Raikoke Erupted On The Longest Day Of The Year Will it’s iron-rich ash, now falling on the North Pacific, be manna…

Academia can be slow and plodding, but given time, it gets to the truth 40% of this blue planet’s surface consists of ocean regions now…

It’s Dusty In The North Atlantic As a result, hurricanes are scarcer and weaker, Present company, Florence, excepted New scientific reports show the dust has…

All over the world insects are reported to be disappearing. They aren’t gone completely anywhere yet, but their numbers reveal far more than decimation, 75%…

All We Are Is Dust In The Wind The mystery of how animals evolved on Earth has been uncovered by scientists. Dust stored up on…

Mt. Bogoslof, an Alaskan Aleutian Island volcano is erupting with life! It’s billowing ash cloud has gone 6 miles high The mineral rich ash is…

Were you watching the ‘miracle of the salmon’ stories back in 2010 and 2013… the miracle is back. First came 40 million Sockeye salmon returning…

Frozen polar regions like Greenland accumulate mineral dust over the course of their endless succession of long winters. When the ice eventually reaches the sea…